Hey, this is my place. Grab a seat and relax for a bit. If you are expecting deep philosophical blather you are going to be dissappointed. You have been warned as some of the opinions discussed on this blog are the opinions of the owner and may or may not align with your own.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A bit of a rant....

A buddy of mine posted a blog about being the old guy at a metal concert. His description of the fans there watching what I would consider a decent band touched a nerve in me. What is with the youth of today? Now..stop right there in your tracks. I don't need any commentary from any of you youngsters tellin me I'm to old. I am to old...to old to deal with all of your bullshit. I never thought I would be saying this...I weep for the future. Kids these days have this delusion that they are all rock stars, that they are entitled to everything with little or no effort. Another thing they all seem to little or no grasp of is something called respect...for themselves or anyone else for that matter. Now, I was an asshole when I was a kid. I tried to be a rebel with the long hair, torn up jeans, Motley Crue t-shirts, and loud music blasting out of the car speakers. One difference is I always had respect for people..something kids these days have no comprehension of...damn little whipper snappers. Now I have to eat my applesauce and take a nap.


Jerry said...

I have to agree with some of this and disagree with some as well. The lack of respect part = completely true. I would also like to add that todays youth lacks the ability to take responsibility for their actions. This I believe comes straight from their parents. Some of what was written in that blog describing the "ambiance" of the show reminded me of what shows were like all through the 80's and into the 90's. This is part of the reason I stopped going to them. Now seeing a band live every now and again would be fun but I also forget from time to time what the environment is like. Take a bar atmosphere, multiply it by about 100 and remove 90% of the structure. Kids are always going to be pushing the limits and if they push too hard hopefully Darwin will be waiting for them. Coming from someone who pushed every limit I could this may sound a little hypocritical but I think these kids need more discipline and definitely a larger dose of common sense. It all has to start with the parents however.
/end rant.

Mike said...


You could not be more correct. It is the parents of the kids that need to BE parents of the kids and not their friends. Kids push buttons and I realize that, it is when they push the wrong ones where parents have to step in and enforce already established (hopefully) boundaries. For it is the doom of men that they forget.