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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Ah hell....

Oh well.....guess the 80's movie was right after all, there is a little nerd in all of us. All hail a new nerd nation where equality for those who are fucking geeks is possible.

NerdTests.com says I'm a Slightly Dorky Sci-Fi / Comic Geek.  What are you?  Click here!


Jason said...

Apparently, you're a very specialized kind of nerd. Hehe.

Mike said...

It would seem so.

Anonymous said...

Here I am. I think having a child has made me less nerdy, no time for things that don't matter, that and unlike Mike, I scored for crap on the Sci-Fi/comic book section.

My HTML would not take for some reason (I guess that should lower my computer score considerably), so I will use good old fashioned text:

Sci/Math: 72%
Tech/Computers: 46%
Sci Fi/Comics: 6%
History/Lit: 48%
Dumb/Dork/Awkward: 7%

I think that my wife might argue that that Dumb/Dork/Awkward score is unrealistically low.

Mike said...

I wonder what Michelle would score on the Comic / Sci Fi meter? My guess is very well.