Hey, this is my place. Grab a seat and relax for a bit. If you are expecting deep philosophical blather you are going to be dissappointed. You have been warned as some of the opinions discussed on this blog are the opinions of the owner and may or may not align with your own.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A new year.....a fresh start?

I am not one for resolutions. For some reason...they usually have run their course by January 31st. No more of the...I'll be nicer.....lose some weight....take up a hobby...bla..bla...bla. I think it was Popeye who said "I am what I am". Now there was a great man. Simple and to the point. He was what he was...take it or leave it. Over the years I have tried at different times in my life to be all things to everyone, if there is one lesson that I have learned is "I am what I am". Take it or leave it for it is all that I have to offer.

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