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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

American Idol..the stoopidity never ceases to amaze..

My wife is a fan of the American Idol phenom. I watch the first couple episodes and then I stop watching it. The reason that I usually only watch the first couple of episodes is the fact that the true meaning of stupidity and self righteousness comes out. These people come from miles around only to be told to fuck off by the judges, it cracks me up. These people for some reason actually have the thought that they are in some form or fashion...talented. The only talent I see is a talent for making themselves look like complete and total idiots. The part I really like is when they get the news of how incredibly untalented and shitty they are at singing, they leave in a huff calling Simon names and telling America that they will be back and take the world by storm. I say..don't quit yer fuckin day job assholes. YOU SUCK and that's the end of it. You aren't taking anything by storm except maybe the shitter. Go back to the backwater town you came from and disappear into obscurity where you fucking belong you morons. PLEASE!!!!! I can't believe how utterly stoopid these ass faces are.

As I am watching the show right this second, they are interviewing a mother of one of the contestants that states that her only reason for existing is American Idol. What kind of a looser is this chick...and she is enabling her fruit cake son to go to audition after audition...11 and counting from what I understand. What a couple of fuck ups.

I can't stand it...but I love to see these fucks go down in flames...it brings a certain satisfaction knowing that these pukes have been completely destroyed. I am off to bask in their misery.

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