Hey, this is my place. Grab a seat and relax for a bit. If you are expecting deep philosophical blather you are going to be dissappointed. You have been warned as some of the opinions discussed on this blog are the opinions of the owner and may or may not align with your own.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Public Bathroom Etiquette..or lack there of...

There are a few things I have noticed in public bathrooms that drive me nuts. What is on the top of the list?

1. People taking a dump in the stall next to you while they are talking on their cell phone.

2. People standing at the urinal while talking on the cell phone.

3. Standing at the urinal minding your own business and the guy next to you strikes up a conversation.

4. Standing at the urinal looking down and noticing yer stanbdin in a puddle of piss because the jack ass that was there before you had shitty aim.

5. Sitting in the stall while some shithead tries over and over to open the stall door, even though you have made every noise possible to let this asshole know your in there.

6. Stepping into a stall and finding that the dipshit before you either forgot to flush or didn't flush on purpose.

7. Upon closer inspection finding that there is no toilet paper in said toilet. Did the last guy wipe and if so with what?

8. Fucking gang symbols carved into the stall walls.

9. That stupid ryhme "Here I sit broken hearted, tried to shit and only farted."

10. And finally..seeing that someone has wiped shit on the walls.


Anonymous said...

We had a turd wiping incident at the last place that I worked (Cypress). I don't believe that the turd bandit was ever caught either. Pretty disgusting.

My biggest pet peeve is people at work that want to follow you into the can to conduct business. I am sorry, I don't talk business with anyone with my dick in my hand. I absolutely draw the line there. I used to tell the guy who consistently followed me to the can "you are not going to follow me into the bathroom to have this conversation, we are either going to finish it right here (outside)now or later somewhere else". This guy was a real dickwad, so it wasn't hard for me to speak to him that way.

Perhaps you should add Annoyance # 11 (we'll call it the Larry Craig):

Men who solicit other men for hot, anonymous, anal sex in the bathroom stall.

If you think someone dropping a turd and not flushing looks bad in your stall, how would you like to have a seat after Larry and his new bestest boyfriend just got done with the browneye special in the john next to Door 12 at MSP.

No Thanks. I think I hold it a little longer, or just find a nice spot in the woods and some leaves.

Mike said...

Good call Dave. That one completely belongs on the list. WTF is this world coming to when you have to worry about to men pounding away in the stall next to you? This world needs an enema. I'll never use the can at MSP again.

Jerry said...

ummm. . .all I can say is thanks a fucking lot for that horrible mental picture. Ewww. . .

Jason said...

You people use bad words.

I'm telling.

Mike said...

Glad I could be of service.

Jason.....DON'T TATTLE....you...you...YOU TATTLETALE!!!!!!!!!!!!