Hey, this is my place. Grab a seat and relax for a bit. If you are expecting deep philosophical blather you are going to be dissappointed. You have been warned as some of the opinions discussed on this blog are the opinions of the owner and may or may not align with your own.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

In the beginning....

In the beginning, good always overpowered the evil of all men's sins. Trivia question for you all, name that tune.


As I sit here typing my first post with my son sitting in my lap doing his damndest to type HIS first post, he begins to express his discontent with his father due to the fact that he is feeling hungry and poopie....duty calls. Well...disaster averted. So let's see, I am you average american male as my wife would say. Absent minded and forgetful as she put it today as I stared at a dish scrathing my head this morning trying to remember if I had washed it the night before. I like guy things, cars, motorcycles, ATV's, video games (I am half way through my season in Madden 2007), technology (love my plasma tv), football (go Vikes!), hockey (Go Wild!), etc. I have two great kids, we were blessed with a girl and a boy, although I know that they are each going to drive me nuts in their own way as they grow up. My wife is the rock in my life as I am way to lucky to have a gal like her. We have two cats named Callie and Hobbes. For all you Calvin and Hobbes fans out there, growing up and reading the comics I always wanted a cat name Hobbes..nuff said. We all live here in this house that is at times chaotic, however mostly quite welcoming. Well, that should be enough to completely bore the masses. Oh, I would like to apologize up front to all of you that experience any mental trauma due to content of these blatherings posted by yours truly.


Jason said...

Damn . . . I can't remember the name, but it served as an intro for Motley Crue's "Shout at the Devil" on the SATD album.

Okay, I cheated and looked up the title. I'm not going to post it here, though. Everyone else can find it themselves.

Shout at the Devil, by the way, is the last Crue album I liked.

And we were listening to it in 1984.


Mike said...

1984? We are a bit old. Oh no I seem to have shat and my depends may have leaked.
