Hey, this is my place. Grab a seat and relax for a bit. If you are expecting deep philosophical blather you are going to be dissappointed. You have been warned as some of the opinions discussed on this blog are the opinions of the owner and may or may not align with your own.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


A true icon for the great west is the tumbleweed (also known as the Russian Thistle). I think in a lot of ways the tumbleweed gets a bad wrap. The sight of tumbleweed usually sparks thoughts of loneliness and despair. Little did I know that the actual act of tumbling is a natural process where by the weed spreads it seeds, making it a function of life as opposed to loneliness, death, and despair. I have studied up a bit on our friend the tumbleweed and I was surprised to find out that these plants can get as large as a Volkswagen. A VOLKSWAGEN???!!! If you see a tumbleweed the size of a volkswagen rolling along...I would fear for ones safety and get the hell outta the way. Respect the tumbleweed dammit.

Ya see what happens when your mind tanks???? All I had to go with was tumbleweeds and really how pathetic is that? When did you think you would see a day when tumbleweeds were actually blog worthy? This is a sad day my friends for this blog...scraping the bottom of the bucket. Me thinks the next blog entry better be more interesting than this one.

Come friends, let us away.


Nik said...

Dude, I think you've stumbled on the next great SciFi Channel Movie-of-the-Week: Tumbleweed Terror! Starring the ever-available Stephen Baldwin as our fearless hero Dr. Jack Prescott!

Tumbleweeds the size of Volkswagons! RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIVES!

Mike said...

That's what I thought...scary huge!!!