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Friday, September 21, 2007

Road Rage...the return

I swear...I swear I have been good. I have tried the path of patience with the driver's here in Minnesota, today was to no avail. The society of dumb shit driver's must have had a meeting in Minneapolis and it's surrounding suburbs. These fucking chuckle heads were everywhere I turned today. First off was captain shit fuck that pulled out in the middle of the intersection on a yellow light to make sure he didn't have to wait. All the while the rest of us are forced to sit in place with the green our way. I pulled my truck up to this assholes door and proceeded to lay on the horn. He looked at me like I had two heads and I was in the wrong, that is until my brethren joined me in pulling up and laying on their horns. A few blocks later I ran into his wife Mrs. Shit fuck. This lady had the blond hair and the superstar glasses on trying her best to be someone she obviously wasn't. You can't hide the fact that you look like a hundred miles of dirt path with dyed blond hair and the bug glasses bitch...oh, and you can't drive worth a shit either. She had decided to pull out into oncoming traffic on a yellow light stopping everyone coming the other way, she did this while chatting on her cell phone. BITCH!!! The last run in with the clan of shit heads was the moron on the on ramp to 77 from 494. People that drive with a bit of common sense know that if traffic is backed up a bit on 494 that they should try and get into the far right lane so as not to jam up traffic up ahead. What I love is seeing these assholes cruise up to the split where you either get on 77 or go left to the Mall of the Universe and cut in. For some reason these fucks think that their shit don't stink and they don't have to wait like the rest of us. This fucker cock was trying to do just that, NOT on my watch. I saw in my rear view what this dick was trying to do so I left a bit of space between me and the car in front of me...baiting this simpleton. He took the bait and sped up to get in. I hammered the gas and blocked this jerk at the last minute sending him almost into the wall. Needless to say he saw much more of the Mall than he had planned on. As I heard his horn, I saluted him the only way I knew how and flipped this prick the bird. The cars behind me had seen my move and congratulated me as they passed further on down the road. Revenge is a dish best served cold...it is very cold in space! Sorry...Trek reference that had no bearing on this story.



Jason said...

They exist everywhere, but we're coming to realize that there are more of those morons in Oklahoma than there are in Minnesota.

You know how everyone forgets how to drive the first time it snows every winter? That's what happens here every time it rains.

I need a bazooka.

Mike said...

I know...it drives me insane.