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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Again...I don't get it...

To pre-clarify, I don't have anything against those who smoke. It is a choice that is entirely theirs to make. If there is one thing I completely and totally agree with and would fight for till my dying breath, it's freedom. People are free to smoke...free to get sick...and free to cack (how do you spell cack anyway?). I have indulged in my share of chokey pops. Hell, there were times when I could be found in the back room of Brother's Bar with a beer in one hand, a spitter in the other, all while smokin a cigarette. Try doing all that while playing pool....and trying to win. Back to my original point that I am just now getting to...wow..holy smoking tangent Batman. So, I was walking into the club at the usual 4 pm time slot to assault my body with tremendous amounts of weight and repetition (alright maybe not all that a tremendous amount) when I noticed a guy walking into the club in front of me sucked down a smoke. When I describe it as sucking it down, I mean sucking it down. This guy had lit cigarette literally seconds prior to getting to the entrance and he stood there pulling on that thing for all he was worth. He couldn't get the smoke into his lungs fast enough. The thought hit me..why the hell is this guy here? People coming to a health club are usually people trying to get or stay healthy. So here this guy is pumping as many carcinogens as he can into his lungs right before going into the club to work at getting or staying healthy? I am a relatively simple man people...I am having trouble with this. I hold no grudge against the dude for smoking...like I said...feedom man. I just see him being there as a contradiction that is all.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Not that it really makes a whole lot of sense but regular exercise diminishes the onset of lowered lung capacity in smokers. He would be better off quitting (as would I) but he is still doing a good thing for himself even if he does continue to smoke.